Regular meeting dates and annual events
Monthly Events:
Executive Board Meeting: Meets the 2nd Friday Monthly (Summer months, our schedule may change)
Member Luncheons and Evening Programs (Evening programs are generally, joint events held in conjunction with Pierce County Republican Party, South Sound Ronald Reagan Republican Club and/or the 28th District Republican Club.)
Annual Events:
Opening Day/Swearing in at the Capitol
Day at the Capital 'Meet and Greet" with Our State Legislators.
McChord AFB "Shali" USO Center Visit (TBD)
Pierce County Republican Party "Lincoln Day" Event
March and/or September:
Legislative Update
WFRW Spring Board Conference
Annual Charity Fundraiser Bridge and Bunco (toiletry items procured, go to a local women's shelter etc)
Betty Jo Neils Scholarship Awards Ceremony, $1,000 is given annually to a deserving female High School or College student.
LRW donates monetary funds to help support Evergreen Bass Club's annual with Fishing with Wounded Warriors event.
New Member Social
Primary Elections
Pierce County Republican Party "Unity Day" Event
Western Washington Fair (Puyallup) LRW Volunteer Day
LRW PAC Fundraiser (Funds from the event help local candidates)
U.S. Constitution Week (Deliver & give presentations of the U.S. Constitutions to 5th graders at local elementary schools.)
Annual Fall Fundraiser
General Elections
Veterans Day Luncheon
WFRW Conference
Pierce County Republican Party "Christmas Party"
JBLM Santa's Castle LRW donates monetary funds to help support this wonderful organization. *Volunteers are needed.
SPSRW Board Elections (Biennial)
Caring for America: The Safe and Sound "Cozy Closet" at Mary Bridge Hospital. (LRW purchases clothing items for physically, mentally and sexually abused children that require medical services at the hospital.)
Executive Board Meeting: Meets the 2nd Friday Monthly (Summer months, our schedule may change)
Member Luncheons and Evening Programs (Evening programs are generally, joint events held in conjunction with Pierce County Republican Party, South Sound Ronald Reagan Republican Club and/or the 28th District Republican Club.)
Annual Events:
Opening Day/Swearing in at the Capitol
Day at the Capital 'Meet and Greet" with Our State Legislators.
McChord AFB "Shali" USO Center Visit (TBD)
Pierce County Republican Party "Lincoln Day" Event
March and/or September:
Legislative Update
WFRW Spring Board Conference
Annual Charity Fundraiser Bridge and Bunco (toiletry items procured, go to a local women's shelter etc)
Betty Jo Neils Scholarship Awards Ceremony, $1,000 is given annually to a deserving female High School or College student.
LRW donates monetary funds to help support Evergreen Bass Club's annual with Fishing with Wounded Warriors event.
New Member Social
Primary Elections
Pierce County Republican Party "Unity Day" Event
Western Washington Fair (Puyallup) LRW Volunteer Day
LRW PAC Fundraiser (Funds from the event help local candidates)
U.S. Constitution Week (Deliver & give presentations of the U.S. Constitutions to 5th graders at local elementary schools.)
Annual Fall Fundraiser
General Elections
Veterans Day Luncheon
WFRW Conference
Pierce County Republican Party "Christmas Party"
JBLM Santa's Castle LRW donates monetary funds to help support this wonderful organization. *Volunteers are needed.
SPSRW Board Elections (Biennial)
Caring for America: The Safe and Sound "Cozy Closet" at Mary Bridge Hospital. (LRW purchases clothing items for physically, mentally and sexually abused children that require medical services at the hospital.)